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                                                                      Planning Your Music




Searching and selecting music for your wedding can be fun and it can also be overwhealming. Many

people may not know how long should pieces be, the order of the music which should flow well within

the structure of the wedding ceremony. It is for this reason that we are going to break the process into

small steps to make your life easier. Hopefully, you will be able to enjoy putting your own music

program together. You should know that we could arrange everything for you but we think your input

about the music will make your wedding more personal and unique.

This is the structure of the wedding. You will need to select music for each of these sections of the





Wedding Sections                                            Mood                               # Songs         For Whom



           Prelude                         Upbeat, relaxing, pensive, inspiring,     # 7-12            -Sitting of family and guests

                                                             religious, contemporary



Processional/ Ceremony

  • Grandparents                                  Solemn, upbeat, pensive                         # 1                -Processional of the family Kingdom                                                                                                                                                                        (grandparents, mothers,                                                                                                                                                                                            bridesmaids,  ring bearer).

  • Mothers

  • Bridesmaids                                                                                                          # 1

  • Bride                                                                                                                       # 1                -Entrance of the queen (bride)

  • *Lighting of Candles                      Spiritual, relaxing, pensive                       # 1



       Recessional                                 Joyful, solemn, upbeat                       #1               -Exit of the king and queen

                                                                                                                                              (the Newly Weds)



         Postlude                                                   Joyful                                   #1-2               -Gathering or exit of the family

                                                                                                                                               kingdom and lords (family and friends)







Program 1 - Traditional

Brandenburg Concerto No.3 by Bach
Trumpet Voluntary by Purcell
Meditation From Thais by Massenet
Rondeau by Mourot
Passacaile by Handel
Air by Bach
Queen of Sheba by Handel Arioso by Bach
The Four Seasons (Spring and Winter) by Vivaldi

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Bach
Canon in D by Pachelbel
The Bridal Chorus by Wagner

Ave Maria by Schubert

The Wedding March

La Réjouissance by Handel
Hornpipe by Handel





Program 2 - Religious

Claire de Lune by Debussy
Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 by Bach
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Ode to Joy by Beethoven
Ave Maria by Bach
The Lord Prayer
Lacia Chio Pia (From Opera Rinaldo)
Sheep May Safely Grace by Handel

Winter (from the Four Seasons) by Vivaldi
Largo (Himn to a Tree) by Handel
Arioso by Bach

Spring (From The Four Seasons) by Vivaldi

Queen of Sheba





Program 3 - Contemporary

Wonderful Tonight
The Music Of the Night(from Phantom of the Opera)
Unforgettable by Irving Gordon
Somewhere Out There by James Horner
This Must Be The Place by David Birne
Brown Eued Girl by Van Morrison
Don't Stop Believin'
Bittersweet Symphony
All You Need is Love by The Beattles

Moon River by Henry Mancini
Cinema Paradiso by E. Morricone

All My Love by the Beattles

Sweet Child O'Mine by Guns and Roses
Hey, soul Sister by P. Monahan




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